Only God can fill that God-shaped heart: A Man with Two Women, in Search for the Third

I slumped on the window seat tired from the day patiently waiting for the train’s departure when a forty-nine year old blue collared Indian man greeted me with a smile signaled with his hand if he could sit next to me. I nodded and also flashed my smile for him to sit down.

The packed train started for the departure and I completely nonchalant listened to a Hillsong song through my earphones. I turned to my left and the Indian man caught my attention which started the most unusual and unexpected 45 minute conversation.

He introduced himself by quietly saying he could read palms and later he could read mine and predict my future. He said first, though, all the Indians on the train must get off and then and only then could he read palm.

I asked why and he said, “Indians are nosy and always hear other Indians’ conversations.”

Dang, I thought Hispanics were presentados!

As we waited 4 stops until the nosy Indians got off the train, he quietly filled me in on his personal life. Now, I didn’t ask, nor interested in knowing details, from how he forces his wife to do physical things with him to managing his emotional issues. Seriously this was the longest train ride home ever!
He even admitted he is very emotional. He feels that no one can really understand him, not even his wife. He proceeded to show me pictures of his lover and excitedly reached for his blackberry phone and searched for the pictures. I said she was beautiful and remained puzzled because he has a wife and also mentioned he has a child but not even a family fulfilled his deep emotional desires. He admitted that when he gets home his wife shoots him a revolting look to make him know she’s not “in the mood.” But he is. He says that he wants her to give him “everything,” including mental, emotional and of course, physical. Very confused and caught off guard, he desperately asked me what he should do.

Now, I’m not a wife, nor ever married, however, I recalled a few tips I’ve seen personally from Christian couples and the major principle in any relationship is communication. I explained to the guy that a relationship is built on trust and communication. How can you effectively communicate when all you’re concerned about about is yourself? Ask her what her needs are. Just ask. Plain and simple. Guys, we aren’t that complicated. Ask us want we want. And ladies, tell them the truth.

He laughed a little and explained to me that his only real emotional and physical connection has been with his lover who lives in Singapore who he hasn’t seen in three months. What’s surprising is that he mentioned his lover stayed with him in his home and his wife and her are friends. -completely baffling.

Four stops later, he looked back and towards the front of the train to check for other Indians, and led me to the front of the train to read my palm.

Honestly, though he seemed a little crazy, my heart went out for him. I felt bad. He has this pumping God-shaped heart thirsting for Eros love that will never be truly satisfied. No human being can ever complete another human being. We weren’t made for each other like that. We were made for God. Only God can ever have that throne in your heart. Only he can truly satisfy your need to be loved.

Towards the end of the conversation, right before my stop, he desperately asked me how and where to meet women. Completely baffled, I mentioned to him to talk to women as friends. Then I told him the guy to seek God and join a church and quickly got off the train. Now thinking about it clearly, instead of having my palm read, I could have talked to Christ to him. I could have told him there’s a much more unconditional (agape) love that exists, which only God can ever satisfy your soul. I never got his name either.

One comment

  1. Medardo Polo

    It’s ok. The important thing is that you told him to seek God and find a church. Hopefully this should stir something up inside of him.

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