A relationship with God vs church

Today I sat with leaders of the church to plan youth activities. Now, I haven’t regularly attended church like I hoped so in the past few weeks but after the end of the three hour meeting, I recognized I didn’t miss the church at all. All the memories of stressed filled weekends of trying to memorize lines for a play and plan for church activities with kids raced to my head. I wanted to run into the arms of Jesus instead. On my forty minute drive home I kept questioning why did I feel like I have closest relationship with God but feel cold to the church? Specifically, why do we humans infect the bride of Christ with all the “evangelistic activities” we think God will like or we think He wants us to plan making us too tired or busy to actually pray? What comes first with these “planning meetings?” Our ideas? Or the plans? What comes first the chicken or the egg?

The church activities are just that- activities taken place in a church where you can meet and have fellowships with other believers. Hearing the Sunday sermon is also just that- hearing a man preach typically on a Sunday morning in front of an audience. None of this really excites me. Let me tell you what really is exciting. What really makes me want to shout out in the morning to praise god for another day of life? My relationship with Him. It’s daily communication with my father, my creator, my Awesome God. It’s when I get up and open my eyes. When I eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and an occasional snack. It’s when I’m alone in my room with the door closed, driving forty minutes to a dinner, walking my dog for fifteen minutes and reading His word and sharing it with others. These are the times I yearn for! It’s when I have the best worship song playing on my iPhone and I’m praising God with it. My relationship with God is the most important relationship I have. It’s His favor I care for. It’s his pure and faithful love I turn to every day. He warms my heart, my mind and soul with His love. See how exciting I get when I wake up to talk to God!

I used to be “churchy” where all I knew was being at church four times a week because I felt “closer” to him but no way, Jose. More than ever, my close relationship grew out of need these past weeks. He drew me in. The church didn’t help at all, specifically the church I’m serving at didn’t help at all nor did it need to. A woman offended weeks ago about something so stupid, which I never took personally. She ended up looking like a fool when I told her the truth. So, dear brothers and sisters, why do we dabble in each other’s business and personal lives? Why so we feel we are entitled to gossip about another and be nosy? Stop nit-picking!

Stop now! You’re killing the bride of a Christ; infesting it with harsh comments and nosy questions!


  1. Amen! Amen a thousand times!!!! My relationship with God has never been stronger and yet I’ve been missing more church than I ever have in the 15 years i’ve served.. Because i’ve had time to actually seek Him.. Activities are not a priority and I’ve learned to say no to a lot of things.. You took the words right out of my mouth my sister!

    • Thank you for your reply. Sister! Yes! Church is important but NOT as important as your relationship with Christ. Serving him in ministry should stem from your intimate relationship with God. And between you and me, I really did want to run away from the “leader” “sponsbilities” as Tommy from Rugrats would say lol

  2. Medardo Polo

    I agree with your point. We should strive to have a better relationship with Christ everyday. Sometimes I feel like I’m just being overwhelmed with so many activities at church that I can’t even breath..lol Wow..I didn’t know that people were gossiping about other people’s business. Instead of gossiping, they should stop, think about what they are doing, and pray for that person. Can’t be making assumptions.Some people just have some growing up to do. AMEN! sister.

  3. Hello Brother Medardo!
    Thanks for you comment! You’re right! Praying for another when they have hurt you is biblical, “But I tell you who hear Me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you” (Luke 6:27-28).

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